Yearn Principles
You can't build trustless systems without trust.
Yearn runs on trust. Trust fosters strong connections and helps things run smoothly, allowing Yearn to circumvent the burdens of traditional corporate middle management. We move at the speed of trust because we believe it's the most efficient way to get things done - all our other principles are possible because we choose to trust each other.

Do'ers, do.
Belief is great, but building is better. As a contributor, you are the person who knows what's best to do for Yearn. We don't wait for approvals or authorization, permission is self granted, and action is revered. As a self starter at Yearn you have nothing between you and the glorious horizon. The future belongs to those who do.

Revere one another.
Conflict is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be destructive. We operate under the assumption that our fellow contributors are fundamentally good, reasonable, and trustworthy. Stir some hard work, talent and capability into the mix and it's easy to see why even when things go wrong, we always take the Most Respectful Interpretation of each others actions.

Boxes are for squares.
Creativity is our competitive edge. When boldness is met with trust and empathy, magic occurs. We understand that the craziest ideas can spawn entirely new industries - Yearn is living proof of it. No thought is too crazy, no plan too weird, no ambition too out there. Yearn exists in a realm beyond nation state borders, but we're proud to let our freak flag fly.

You are what you do.
Yearn is a place that values ideas over identity. Whether you're a defi og or a newb on the Discord, the best contributions will always be respected. We're all for personality, but never cult of personality. Here, work always trumps credentials - we don't care who you are, only what you do.

<3 Chaos.
Decentralization isn't just best for the protocol, it's also best for the people building it. The future doesn't look like a corporate strategy deck or some complex org chart. It looks like nature - messy, chaotic and full of surprises. Yearn find order from chaos, scaling in harmony with other orgs and the wider space.

Humans and code.
The protocol isn't our only product. Yearn is a community of independent builders who are free to sprout new organizations and grow the network organically. Each day Yearn supports the flourishing Defi ecosystem by uniting exceptional people around radical projects that make finance more flexible and accessible. This synergistic relationship guides Yearn to build its code and community with integrity.

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